Monday, 6 March 2017

Use plugins to remove the Author & Date info from WP posts

By default, most of the WordPress themes will display a set of metadata on the blog posts published in the past. This usually includes at least the author name and the date on which the post was published. This information is useful for the readers but sometimes there are certain instances where the blogger might want to delete or update this information.

In this article, you would be reading about how Wordpress theme development can sort out this process. There are two different ways which would help you in this situation: Using a dedicated plugin or doing it manually by tweaking by your current theme files. If you don't have much technical know-how, hire a skilled & knowledgeable WordPress developer who will help you accomplish this process.

How to remove Author & Date information using a Plugin

If your theme doesn't have a Divi's functionality, you can take help of the plugin. The following two plugins which will assist you in this task. Both these offer slightly different functionality, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

1. WP Meta and Date Remover

This plugin enables you to remove both the author and date information from all the of the posts that too in one go. Once the plugin is installed & activated, all the meta info is automatically removed. It uses two methods to remove the data: hiding it from the front-end by using CSS and then removing it from the backend via PHP.

Key features:

Gets installed quickly and easy to setup.

Hides information from both the front & back ends.

Price: FREE

2. WP Old Post Date Remover

The plugin is specifically designed to remove date information only. This plugin comes in handy if you have lots of evergreen content or a website which is not updated regularly. If you like to keep the date only on the newer posts, you can choose the number of days you want the date to be displayed for.

Key Features:

Easy to install & quick to set up

Comes with an option to display the date on newer posts.

Price: FREE

How to Remove Author and Date Information Manually

1. Add CSS Using Jetpack

If you install Jetpack, then you can gain access to the Custom CSS tab where you can add the relevant code. But first, you need to activate the tab present in the Jetpack “Settings” screen. In your dashboard, select Jetpack, choose “Settings”. This would result in opening a new screen where you have to select “Appearance” tab and the scroll down to the Custom CSS button.

2. Delete Code From Your Theme’s Files

Another option is to delete the lines entirely from your theme files. While making the edits to your theme files, using the child theme and backing up your site prior to making changes. It's also good to ask your theme author which files contain the author and date information.

Summing Up

The above-mentioned points will help you in removing the Author and date information from the existing blog posts.