Wednesday, 3 June 2015

A Noteworthy Checklist To Consider While Making Your WP Site Go Live

WordPress is admired for its blissful features by a whopping number of individuals, including developers as well as users. What makes it a much sought after choice is its intuitive interface and amazing web development features.

WP is an open source CMS that allows one to customize the look and feel of his website by tailoring the theme in a desired manner. Moreover, to integrate the requisite functionalities, you can seek a suitable plugin from the WordPress repository and install it on your site. All these great features of this platform have encouraged many to invest in WordPress website development and efficiently leverage their businesses.

If you are also interested in creating a prolific WP website, it is advisable to thoroughly go through its official guidelines and adhere them while developing your site. Today, in this article, I will uncover the imperative steps that must be followed to before launching a WordPress website to ensure its smooth performance. Without any further ado, let's have a look into them.

1. Test for cross-browser compatibility

When you are sure that your design is pixel perfect and ready to be released, it must be tested over browsers beforehand. Although it need not to be pixel perfect on all browsers, but it must run smoothly throughout. Don't forget it to check on all the popular browsers, including Opera, Safari, IE, Firefox and Chrome.

2. Block Search Engine

As, no one wants to display ant junk content in a search, it can be stopped by not allowing the search engines to index your site content. This can be proficiently done by accessing the Reading  tab under the Settings tab, check mark the option that is saying - block search engine. This process works proficiently and thus, once you are done with your website content editing, make sure that you have unchecked that box.

3. Resize the thumbnails

If you have tried a few different themes on your site, it is paramount to ensure that your thumbnails are properly sized. You can ensure that by installing and activating the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. Don't forget to run it before you launch your website.

4. Test your site over mobile

In this mobile age, it has become more than imperative to ensure a seamless and breezy performance of your website. Although dummies offer a way to test the design, but real time testing on different devices can ensure flawless performance. Thus, it is better to test your website on all the targeted mobile devices, including smartphones and tablet.

5. Degrade it gracefully

Since users often run websites with turned off JavaScript for some security reasons, it is worth to make it certain that your site is accessible even in that mode. It is advisable to test your forms and identify whether it is performing server-side validation check or not.

No doubt, the WP platform allows even non-tech individuals to control their website with ease. However, to develop or customize some functionality of a website, it is better to hire WordPress developer and ensure a surefire performance.

I hope this checklist will help you make your website go live with ease and run without any glitches. However, you may add your own points to this checklist, but these are the most essential key points that must be considered before announcing your online presence to the world.

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